Voice of My Community: census Story Collection Form
The U.S. Census Bureau asks us to educate leaders in Washington, D.C. and in our own hometowns by filling out surveys. Not simply the big decennial surveys (2020, 2030, etc.) but a variety of smaller surveys on various topics. Your responses help guide funding and programs to cities, counties, and states.

Would you share your thoughts about completing surveys, speaking to your audience of elected officials, funders, or agency bureaucrats at all levels of government.

Which survey do you want to discuss?

  • USCB
  • ACS
  • ECS
  • Pulse Surveys

About me:

  • State: ________
  • Organization Name: ________ (If appropriate)
  • Email: ________
  • Phone Number: ________
  • Permission to use this case study for promoting census improvements: YES/NO

I represent the following Community / Communities: (both demographically and geographically)

  • State
  • Urban-Rural
  • Ethnicity
  • Ages
  • Languages

Why I feel responding to this U.S. Census Bureau survey is important to me and my community:

This response box is open for you to share your thoughts and ideas. As you reflect on why a survey is important, you might discuss: Representation, Funding, Voting, COVID-19, Housing, Schools, Infrastructure (Roads and Bridges), and other topics important to you and your community.

How I hope more complete and accurate USCB survey data will positively impact my community:

  • Data and Demographics. A better understanding of:
    • who we are
    • how many there are of us
    • where we live and work
    • what we need
  • Voting and Representation
  • Funding
  • Schools
  • Infrastructure (Roads and Bridges)
  • Housing
  • Opportunities
  • Other:

What are your recommendations for the Census Bureau for 2030?

Thank you for sharing your learning and inspiring others.

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Click here for a quick overview of Roadmap-related resources to get started at any time >

Including our Census Day 2023 Webinar for the States Count Action Network (S-CAN) on how to use the Roadmap to 2030 anytime now until the next decennial census is officially underway.