Important 2022 Milestones

  1. Post-Census Group Quarters Review launch.
  2. Results from the 2020 Census Post-Enumeration Survey.
  3. 1950 Census forms become available through the National Archives (April 1).
  4. American Community Survey (ongoing)
  5. Research and testing to inform 2030 Census design and operational development begins.
  6. Census Bureau updates urban and rural categories.
  7. OMB listening sessions on revision of federal race and ethnicity standards; White House requests for information on Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity
  8. Census Bureau solicits recommendations through Federal Register Notice for research to inform development of 2030 Census design and operational plan.

Here is your roadmap for census-related actions in 2022:

These are just some of the census-related advocacy actions your organization should have taken in 2022 to lay early groundwork for a fair, complete, and accurate count in 2030. It’s never too early to get started.