Thank you for taking the next step to ensure a fair and accurate count in 2030!

This is your hub for census-related advocacy and Get Out the Count (GOTC) resources to use now through 2030.

Based on the lessons learned from the 2020 Census, we are laying the foundation for a robust GOTC (“Get Out The Count”) campaign by creating educational resources, facilitating webinars, and — most importantly — building relationships with stakeholders at the state and national level.

By staying informed and being an advocate for the census and data equity, we can connect the importance of the decennial census and the American Community Survey (ACS) to democracy and civil rights in America.

Please share this resource with your communities, stay tuned for updates and be sure to reach out if you have any questions.


Here are your complete census-related advocacy action plans for 2021 to 2025:

  • Here are just some of the actions you and your organization should have taken in 2021 and 2022 in order to demonstrate the impact of the census and lay early groundwork for the 2030 Census. If you haven't yet taken some or any of these actions, that's okay. It's never too late to pick up the Roadmap and get back on track.

  • Here are just some of the actions you and your organization can take now through 2025 in order to become an early trusted messenger about the importance of the 2023-2025. If you haven't yet taken the previous years' actions, that's okay. It's never too late to pick up the Roadmap and get back on track.