Educate Entities on the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA)

Learn how LUCA ensures every Community Member is counted, and how you can help. Additional actions related to LUCA could include offering at least one broad briefing or webinar for local and state entities on the importance of LUCA or working with states and local entities to help them plan and have the infrastructure to support LUCA. Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

2023 Census Roadmap Hub

Important 2023 Milestones American Community Survey (ongoing) Count Question Resolution and Post-Census Group Quarters Review programs ...

2023-2025 Actions Overview

Here are just some of the actions you and your organization can take now through 2025 in order to become an early trusted messenger about the importance of the 2023-2025. If you haven't yet taken the previous years' actions, that's okay. It's never too late to pick up the Roadmap and get back on track.

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